Elixir deployment :nxdomain


Since I scaled the memory of my postgres last night it seems I can’t deploy anymore.

failed to connect: " | "** (DBConnection.ConnectionError) tcp connect (app-v2-pg.internal:
5432): non-existing domain - :nxdomain"]

I try many of the similar question answer for this problem I could find on the forum.
The host resolve fine on internal and flycast when connected to the wireguard

host app-v2-pg.internal
app-v2-pg.internal has IPv6 address ***

I edited the DATABASE_URL to use internal it does not work as well.
I added extra config in runtime.exs repo

    ssl: false,
    socket_options: [:inet6]

It seems to be working now I didn’t change anything, so it must have been a transient network error.

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