Does Fly serve `Cache-Control` origin responses off of its edge cdn?

Right now there’s no way to set these headers. statics is not really a CDN - we just pluck files out of your build and serve them so your app doesn’t have to.

S we don’t have plans to extend the statics feature now, but we’re always thinking about ways we can help people avoid having to use CDNs. :slight_smile:

Depending on your runtime, you may already have tools that help you cache expensive operations without resorting to another tool like a CDN. That said, it’s easy run an HTTP cache in front of your app on Fly - especially if you do not need to expire content explicitly.

Lastly, f your app can run in multiple regions, you’ll get a perf boost for both static and dynamic requests being served closer to your users.

This was a long answer to a simple question, but we’re happy to expand on any of these topics!