Docker, Node, Foreman and Varnish Fails to build

Ok. I think I might be getting closer. I read somewhere in this forum about problems running as root, and then I stumbled up on this post here that suggests running through an script.

So, I reworked the dockerfile to create an ‘appuser’ and install the forman globally as that user. Then transition to that user, when running the script.

FROM varnish:fresh-alpine as alpine

RUN apk add --update nodejs npm
RUN addgroup -S appgroup && adduser -S appuser -G appgroup
RUN npm --global config set user appuser && \
  npm --global install foreman

RUN mkdir /app
RUN chown -R appuser:appgroup /app

COPY default.vcl /etc/varnish/default.vcl
COPY . .

RUN chmod +x /app/
RUN npm install --production

EXPOSE 3000 8080 443

USER appuser
ENTRYPOINT ["sh","./", "nf", "start"]
USER root

And then in


chown -R appuser:appgroup /app
su - appuser
exec "$@"

Again, builds and runs locally, fails on though.