Can't change permissions on /run directory

That would be a consequence of the init program we inject into VMs to create a clean startup sequence.

We do not encourage people to run their programs as root. I’d suggest writing a custom entrypoint for your image, running as root, that creates the structure you want in /run with the permissions you need. Then switch to the proper user and exec your CMD.

For example:


# assume you're root
chown -R nobody:nobody /run

# switch back to nobody user
su - nobody

# exec the original CMD
exec "$@"


FROM trafex/alpine-nginx-php7
# ...
COPY ./ /
USER root

I see the Dockerfile for trafex/alpine-nginx-php7 modifies the ownership of /run during build. We might be able to do detect that and keep the current ownership and permissions.

In the meantime, something like the example I provided should work.