Depot remote builders becoming the default

This is being actively worked on. How much memory do you need?

I’ve seen this done by using a build argument and COPY --from pointing to the separately built frontend image, like:

ARG FRONTEND_IMAGE=frontend-build
COPY --from=${FRONTEND_IMAGE} /app/build /app/public

Would this work for your use case?

@joshua-fly Thank you for the quick reply!

re worker size: 8GiB of memory works consistently. The rollup process when building our next.js frontend is taking up a lot of memory and none of the recommendations to limit it I found online are doing anything.

re docker build:

I’ve seen this done by using a build argument and COPY --from pointing to the separately built frontend image, like:

ARG FRONTEND_IMAGE=frontend-build
COPY --from=${FRONTEND_IMAGE} /app/build /app/public

Would this work for your use case?

This would work, but can we build and push that image using fly somehow, or would we need a separate registry?

Depot builders are also sized at 8GB. You’re saying you see different results with Depot and the Fly builders?

You can use Fly. Something like this:

fly deploy --build-only --image-label --dockerfile frontend.Dockerfile
fly deploy --dockerfile backend.Dockerfile --build-arg FRONTEND_IMAGE=

Thanks for the commands, I was hoping for a way to automatically resolve that dependency and build it, but this should work as well!

Re depot worker: You’re right, it seems like our memory footprint grew again. I get the following error on both the legacy and depot builders, but not locally (running fly deploy --build-arg GIT_REVISION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) --vm-memory 8192 --local-only --build-only, which probably doesn’t actually limit the local memory usage). Manually changing the legacy builder size to 16GiB works.

0.680 > tsc && vite build                                                                                                                                                                                        
10.36 vite v5.4.9 building for production...
10.45 transforming...
31.61 ✓ 3272 modules transformed.
34.09 rendering chunks...
50.09 <--- Last few GCs --->
50.09 [31:0x77c2000]    39617 ms: Scavenge 2037.6 (2082.7) -> 2037.1 (2083.7) MB, pooled: 0 MB, 6.66 / 0.00 ms  (average mu = 0.156, current mu = 0.097) allocation failure; 
50.09 [31:0x77c2000]    40607 ms: Mark-Compact 2039.1 (2084.1) -> 2037.3 (2085.4) MB, pooled: 0 MB, 979.67 / 0.00 ms  (average mu = 0.110, current mu = 0.037) allocation failure; scavenge might not succeed
50.09 <--- JS stacktrace --->
50.09 FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
50.09 ----- Native stack trace -----
50.09  1: 0xe19de0 node::OOMErrorHandler(char const*, v8::OOMDetails const&) [node]
50.10  2: 0x1240310 v8::Utils::ReportOOMFailure(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, v8::OOMDetails const&) [node]
50.10  3: 0x12405e7 v8::internal::V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, v8::OOMDetails const&) [node]
50.10  4: 0x146e125  [node]
50.10  5: 0x146e153  [node]
50.10  6: 0x148720a  [node]
50.10  7: 0x148a3d8  [node]
50.10  8: 0x1cc5711  [node]
50.27 Aborted
50.27  ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 134.
Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c pnpm build" did not complete successfully: exit code: 134

will be migrated to Depot’s Fly-hosted remote builder platform

So, is it remote or fly-hosted?

Observing below error intermediately

Waiting for depot builder...
Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: timed out connecting to machine: failed to list workers: Unavailable: connection error: desc = "transport: authentication handshake failed: EOF"

same here, amazing enhancement indeed

5 months later this is still broken, and for multiple users as it seems. Why would you make this half-baked thing a default? So frustrated with my fly experience.

Waiting for depot builder...
Waiting for depot builder...
 🌎DEBUG <-- 200 (378.56ms)

  "data": {
    "ensureDepotRemoteBuilder": {
      "buildId": "vzr5fpn3cn",
      "buildToken": "REDACTED"
DEBUG result image:<nil> error:error building: timed out connecting to machine: failed to list workers: Unavailable: connection error: desc = "transport: authentication handshake failed: EOF"


  "query": "\nmutation FinishBuild ($input: FinishBuildInput!) {\n\tfinishBuild(input: $input) {\n\t\tid\n\t\tstatus\n\t\twallclockTimeMs\n\t}\n}\n",
  "variables": {
    "input": {
      "appName": "kapybro",
      "buildId": "2497206",
      "builderMeta": {
        "builderType": "",
        "buildkitEnabled": false,
        "dockerVersion": "",
        "platform": "",
        "remoteAppName": "",
        "remoteMachineId": ""
      "clientMutationId": "",
      "finalImage": {
        "id": "",
        "sizeBytes": 0,
        "tag": ""
      "logs": "error building: timed out connecting to machine: failed to list workers: Unavailable: connection error: desc = \"transport: authentication handshake failed: EOF\"",
      "machineId": "",
      "status": "failed",
      "strategiesAttempted": [
          "error": "error building: timed out connecting to machine: failed to list workers: Unavailable: connection error: desc = \"transport: authentication handshake failed: EOF\"",
          "note": "",
          "result": "failed",
          "strategy": ""
      "timings": {
        "buildAndPushMs": 301273,
        "buildMs": 301273,
        "builderInitMs": 924,
        "contextBuildMs": -1,
        "imageBuildMs": 301273,
        "pushMs": -1
  "operationName": "FinishBuild"

DEBUG {0x14000981710}
DEBUG <-- 200 (520.14ms)

  "data": {
    "finishBuild": {
      "id": "2497206",
      "status": "failed",
      "wallclockTimeMs": 301706

DEBUG Task manager done
DEBUG done monitoring tokens
DEBUG started querying for host issues

  "query": "query($appName: String!) { apphostissues:app(name: $appName) { hostIssues { nodes { internalId message createdAt updatedAt } } } }",
  "variables": {
    "appName": "kapybro"

DEBUG started querying for statuspage incidents
DEBUG <-- 200 (401.21ms)

  "data": {
    "apphostissues": {
      "hostIssues": {
        "nodes": []

DEBUG querying for host issues resulted to []
DEBUG querying for statuspage incidents resulted to &{[]}
Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: timed out connecting to machine: failed to list workers: Unavailable: connection error: desc = "transport: authentication handshake failed: EOF"

I’m also getting this now:

Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: timed out connecting to machine: failed to list workers: Unavailable: connection error: desc = "transport: authentication handshake failed: EOF"

Having never gotten it in the past.
Any workarounds?

@cooper, if it’s specifically a Depot glitch, then the above flag should work around it.

Hope this helps!

That worked, thank you.

1 Like

talking to support right now, and they told me they’re fixing this on depot side. I’ll ask them to update this post as well once we get any progress.

This build error almost gave me a heart attack. For those having the problem, try uisng the cli, fly deploy --depot=false . This is a big error on fly part in my opinion. They should say something or notify.

It’s been at least 12 hours now that the depot builder is not working for me.

==> Verifying app config
Validating fly/fly.toml
✓ Configuration is valid
--> Verified app config
==> Building image
Waiting for depot builder...
[Me terminating using CTRL+C after 10 mintues]
WARN failed to finish build in graphql: Post "": context canceled

No failure statuses on either or

Deploying from the command using --depot=false works, but is definitely NOT a reasonable solution (for example, our Github actions use depot by default, meaning all the deployments fail).

Anyone from can comment on this issue please?

1 Like

What’s stopping you from editing your github actions to include that flag?

The fact that the company pushes that as the de-facto standard:

But, some weeks after the Depot migration is complete and verified, we’ll offer a free allowance of 300 build minutes per month. After 300 minutes, we’ll bill you $0.05 per build minute.
Around that time, we’ll likely stop supporting the standard Fly remote builder.

Did this announcement change?

Try --local only in your github actions. GH gives 2,000 free build minutes on the free account.

1 Like

I wasn’t aware of this flag, thank you for sharing this.
Any caveats I should be aware of?

It’s slower than Depot, but if you configure your GHA caching, you might be able to improve the build time. I haven’t tried it myself so you’ll have to tinker around w/ it.

results for my support inquiry:

  • got told my depot builder was located in a low-capacity region (Singapore I think?), so they moved it to hkg.
  • some time passed waiting for depot folks to fix something, not sure if anything needed a fix considering the first point
    Eventually, after moving the builder, it started to work. I asked them to take a look at this thread for issues other folks experiencing, but got ignored, I guess.

So my guess is to try to move your builder to a different region, if that doesn’t help - contact the support.