Depot build failures - add CLI suggestion?

fly deploy is failing with

==> Building image
Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: input:3: ensureDepotRemoteBuilder {"code"=>"internal", "message"=>"internal error"}

Seems this has been happening for others in recent history. I was also able to get my deploy running with fly deploy --no-depot. Perhaps this option could be suggested by the fly CLI to save people time?

(Notably, as I was typing this, that suggestion was added to a popup at )


Yeah, annoying when this happens in our CI

I know this is indicated by the flyio status link above, but as well, for the curious.

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Happening again at the moment. The Depot service has been quite unreliable in the past few weeks… I really hope Fly doesn’t deprecate the legacy build option with --depot=false anytime soon/ before Depot becomes more reliable!

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