Deployment stuck on /app/bin/migrate


I’m trying to deploy a Phoenix app, but it gets stuck at this for a long time:

> LOG_LEVEL=debug fly deploy --remote-only

Running release task (pending)... ⣟ DEBUG --> POST {{"query":"query ($id: ID!) { releaseCommandNode: node(id: $id) { id ... on ReleaseCommand { id instanceId command status exitCode inProgress succeeded failed } } }","variables":{"id":"rcmd_vmr7g2m31npzwj0d"}}
Running release task (pending)... ⣯ DEBUG <-- 200 (335.93ms) {"data":{"releaseCommandNode":{"id":"rcmd_vmr7g2m31npzwj0d","instanceId":null,"command":"/app/bin/migrate","status":"pending","exitCode":null,"inProgress":true,"succeeded":false,"failed":false}}}
Running release task (pending)... ⣾ DEBUG --> POST {{"query":"query ($id: ID!) { releaseCommandNode: node(id: $id) { id ... on ReleaseCommand { id instanceId command status exitCode inProgress succeeded failed } } }","variables":{"id":"rcmd_vmr7g2m31npzwj0d"}}
Running release task (pending)... ⣻ DEBUG <-- 200 (402.22ms) {"data":{"releaseCommandNode":{"id":"rcmd_vmr7g2m31npzwj0d","instanceId":null,"command":"/app/bin/migrate","status":"pending","exitCode":null,"inProgress":true,"succeeded":false,"failed":false}}}

I’ve tried re-deploying an earlier version that worked before, but it has the same issue.

The newly built release does not show up on the web dashboard.

The builder logs seem to stuck at this:

2022-04-24T09:52:49.247 app[65e6f95d] hkg [info] time="2022-04-24T09:52:49.246440756Z" level=debug msg="checking docker activity"
2022-04-24T09:52:49.248 app[65e6f95d] hkg [info] time="2022-04-24T09:52:49.247827732Z" level=debug msg="Calling GET /v1.41/containers/json?filters=%7B%22status%22%3A%7B%22running%22%3Atrue%7D%7D&limit=0"
2022-04-24T09:52:50.255 app[65e6f95d] hkg [info] time="2022-04-24T09:52:50.254304347Z" level=debug msg="checking docker activity"
2022-04-24T09:52:50.255 app[65e6f95d] hkg [info] time="2022-04-24T09:52:50.254855644Z" level=debug msg="Calling GET /v1.41/containers/json?filters=%7B%22status%22%3A%7B%22running%22%3Atrue%7D%7D&limit=0"
2022-04-24T09:52:51.258 app[65e6f95d] hkg [info] time="2022-04-24T09:52:51.257303061Z" level=debug msg="checking docker activity"
2022-04-24T09:52:51.258 app[65e6f95d] hkg [info] time="2022-04-24T09:52:51.257709670Z" l

Following Troubleshooting on Deploy an Elixir Phoenix Application, mix release and docker build . work fine. fly logs only shows logs of the old deployment.

I tried ssh-ing into my existing deployment and running /app/bin/migrate, but it says “nothing to migrate”, as expected. I didn’t not add any new migrations since the last release.

Any hints on how I can deploy my updated app?

It seems to have solved itself. Guess I just needed to wait.