When I use fly deploy on a phoenix 1.6 app locally there is no problem, but when deploying through a github action it fails to create/copy? the app.js file.
This is the Dockerfile used:
FROM hexpm/elixir:1.12.3-erlang-24.0.5-alpine-3.13.5 AS build
# install build dependencies
RUN apk add --no-cache build-base npm
# prepare build dir
# extend hex timeout
# install hex + rebar
RUN mix local.hex --force && \
mix local.rebar --force
# set build ENV as prod
# Copy over the mix.exs and mix.lock files to load the dependencies. If those
# files don't change, then we don't keep re-fetching and rebuilding the deps.
COPY mix.exs mix.lock ./
COPY config config
RUN mix deps.get --only prod && \
mix deps.compile
# install npm dependencies
COPY assets/package.json assets/package-lock.json ./assets/
RUN npm --prefix ./assets ci --progress=false --no-audit --loglevel=error
COPY priv priv
COPY assets assets
# NOTE: If using TailwindCSS, it uses a special "purge" step and that requires
# the code in `lib` to see what is being used. Uncomment that here before
# running the npm deploy script if that's the case.
COPY lib lib
# build assets
RUN npm run --prefix ./assets deploy
RUN mix phx.digest
# copy source here if not using TailwindCSS
# COPY lib lib
# compile and build release
COPY rel rel
RUN mix do compile, release
### Second Stage - Setup the Runtime Environment
# prepare release docker image
FROM alpine:3.13.5 AS app
RUN apk add --no-cache libstdc++ openssl ncurses-libs
RUN chown nobody:nobody /app
USER nobody:nobody
COPY --from=build --chown=nobody:nobody /app/_build/prod/rel/myapp ./
CMD ["bin/myapp", "start"]
This is the github action (the default from the example in the docs):
Is it possible the Github Action deploy worked but hung showing the output? We’re troubleshooting this issue right now, we shipped a new method for monitoring logs from flyctl and it seems a little flakey on Github actions.
In my original setup the deploy used to work, but produced the result I described. The last try yesterday though the Github Action indeed hung: “The job running on runner Hosted Agent has exceeded the maximum execution time of 360 minutes.”
Now when I try the suggested change RUN mix assets.deploy I get:
Generated myapp app
[272](https://github.com/myname/myapp/runs/3863081721?check_suite_focus=true#step:4:272)** (RuntimeError) FLY_APP_NAME not available
[273](https://github.com/myname/myapp/runs/3863081721?check_suite_focus=true#step:4:273) (stdlib 3.15.2) erl_eval.erl:685: :erl_eval.do_apply/6
[274](https://github.com/myname/myapp/runs/3863081721?check_suite_focus=true#step:4:274) (stdlib 3.15.2) erl_eval.erl:446: :erl_eval.expr/5
[275](https://github.com/myname/myapp/runs/3863081721?check_suite_focus=true#step:4:275) (stdlib 3.15.2) erl_eval.erl:123: :erl_eval.exprs/5
[276](https://github.com/myname/myapp/runs/3863081721?check_suite_focus=true#step:4:276) (elixir 1.12.3) lib/code.ex:656: Code.eval_string_with_error_handling/3
[277](https://github.com/myname/myapp/runs/3863081721?check_suite_focus=true#step:4:277) (elixir 1.12.3) lib/config.ex:258: Config.__eval__!/3
[278](https://github.com/myname/myapp/runs/3863081721?check_suite_focus=true#step:4:278) (elixir 1.12.3) lib/config/reader.ex:86: Config.Reader.read!/2
[280](https://github.com/myname/myapp/runs/3863081721?check_suite_focus=true#step:4:280)Error error building: error rendering build status stream: The command '/bin/sh -c mix assets.deploy' returned a non-zero code: 1
I think the deploy monitor is hanging, but the deploy is happening successfully in the background. This is the bug we’ve been tracking today, we’ll hopefully have a workaround soon.