Deployment freezes forever

deployments have stopped working for me
they get stuck in here no errors just the spinning globe

not sure if it is relevant but at some point a build error because i removed a js file from the app
but i believe since i haven’t been able to deploy

→ Pushing image done
image size: 1.1 GB
==> Creating release
→ release v18 created

→ You can detach the terminal anytime without stopping the deployment
==> Release command detected: bin/rails fly:release

→ This release will not be available until the release command succeeds.

I am experiencing the same issue since yesterday :sleepy: with the flyctl GitHub Action.

Also experiencing this issue. Here is some of the output just in case it’s helpful.

==> Pushing image to fly
The push refers to repository []
7da29f12da22: Layer already exists 
ee4c8f681c92: Layer already exists 
cd3a0ba91a0e: Layer already exists 
cb0a20f87b95: Layer already exists 
6ef098cc49bc: Layer already exists 
fe7b1e9bf792: Layer already exists 
deployment-01GREHKAZD4ZRTF1JDJ1PSF32N: digest: sha256:6c88cb223a0fee73be3970bc3dda085d97da76c90fe92592f5e7b2f314cf6f55 size: 1576
--> Pushing image done
image size: 137 MB
==> Creating release
--> release v52 created

--> You can detach the terminal anytime without stopping the deployment
==> Release command detected: /app/bin/migrate

--> This release will not be available until the release command succeeds.
Running release task (pending)...

This is an elixir/phx app, not rails. Not sure if that is meaningful.

Feels related:

Same issue here in FRA.

Experiencing same issue here.

If you have a Rails application with a single server in a single region, I recommend removing or commenting out:

# [deploy]
#   release_command = "bin/rails db:prepare"

Then deleting `lib/rails/fly.rake’ and then running:

bundle add dockerfile-rails --optimistic --group development
bin/rails generate dockerfile

… and accepting the changes.

That will bring you up to date with the latest changes to flyctl launch. You are also encouraged to read Dockerfiles and fly.toml · Fly Docs to see if there are any suggestions that you might want to take advantage of.

If you have a heavily customized Dockerfile or have another reason why you don’t want to accept the Dockerfile changes, create a two line script that runs your current release command followed by your current CMD from the Dockerfile, and then change the CMD to run your script.

For non-Rails applications with a single server in a single region, the same recommendations apply other than not having the benefit of a script.

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Removing the release task from my elixir/phoenix fixed my deployment issue. Thanks.

Same issue here. Deploys don’t work and get stuck at “Running Release Task”.
Doesn’t matter whether kicked off manually with flyctl deploy or Github actions.

FRA region, Phoenix project.

Thanks! Just commenting out this line in fly.toml fixed it for me:

# [deploy]
#  release_command = "bin/rails fly:release"

That worked here as well - there’s also finally a message online:

hey sam

while removing the deploy command fixed the deployment issue

bundle add dockerfile-rails --optimistic --group development
bin/rails generate dockerfile

somehow broke access to the volume and it is giving me OOM errors when asking for screenshots

Should not have affected volumes, but Rails’s new conventions do differ from fly’s previous ones in that the app is at /rails instead of /app, and the port is now 3000 rather than 8080. Were you mounting the volume into the /app directory?

Rails template doesn’t include fullstaq, jemalloc, or a swapfile. You can add them with simple commands: Dockerfiles and fly.toml · Fly Docs

thanks! i will look into it