Deploy --remote-only failing and kept retrying


I’ve setup a CI job that push any changes to Flyio using Github Actions, however it started failing in since yesterday. I saw that it triggers a builder in the dashboard and the builder are logging calls to it.

However, the job hangs and kept re-trying.

I then run the same command on my cli with this command

LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG flyctl deploy --remote-only -a NAME_OF_APP --config CONFIG.toml --dockerfile Dockerfile --no-cache

It builds and I saw that it failed with

EBUG Sending remote builder heartbeat pulse to http://fdaa:2:7c28:a7b:16d:86ab:
42535221af6e: Pushing   5.41GB/5.41GB

DEBUG Sending remote builder heartbeat pulse to http://fdaa:2:7c28:a7b:16d:86ab:91a3:2:8080/flyio/v1/extendDeadline...

DEBUG Sending remote builder heartbeat pulse to http://fdaa:2:7c28:a7b:16d:86ab:91a3:2:8080/flyio/v1/extendDeadline...

DEBUG result image:<nil> error:error rendering push status stream: unknown: unknown error


  "query": "\n# @genqlient\nmutation ResolverFinishBuild ($input: FinishBuildInput!) {\n\tfinishBuild(input: $input) {\n\t\tid\n\t\tstatus\n\t\twallclockTimeMs\n\t}\n}\n",
  "variables": {
    "input": {
      "appName": "prosona-backend-staging",
      "buildId": "3169603",
      "builderMeta": {
        "builderType": "",
        "buildkitEnabled": true,
        "dockerVersion": "20.10.12",
        "platform": "linux/x86_64/3.15.0",
        "remoteAppName": "",
        "remoteMachineId": ""
      "clientMutationId": "",
      "finalImage": {
        "id": "",
        "sizeBytes": 0,
        "tag": ""
      "logs": "error rendering push status stream: unknown: unknown error",
      "machineId": "",
      "status": "failed",
      "strategiesAttempted": [
          "error": "",
          "note": "no buildpack builder configured, skipping",
          "result": "failed",
          "strategy": "Buildpacks"
          "error": "error rendering push status stream: unknown: unknown error",
          "note": "",
          "result": "failed",
          "strategy": "Dockerfile"
      "timings": {
        "buildAndPushMs": 1768779,
        "buildMs": 186519,
        "builderInitMs": 13,
        "contextBuildMs": -1,
        "imageBuildMs": 186506,
        "pushMs": 1582260
  "operationName": "ResolverFinishBuild"

DEBUG {0xc0005f4e40}
DEBUG <-- 200 (232.28ms)

  "data": {
    "finishBuild": {
      "id": "3169603",
      "status": "failed",
      "wallclockTimeMs": 1769136

DEBUG Task manager done
DEBUG metrics error: write tcp [2600:1700:2f71:4890:387f:81e1:4377:ed13]:50122->[2a09:8280:1::1c:3475]:443: write: broken pipe

DEBUG metrics error: write tcp [2600:1700:2f71:4890:387f:81e1:4377:ed13]:50122->[2a09:8280:1::1c:3475]:443: write: broken pipe

Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error rendering push status stream: unknown: unknown error

With Unknown Error, any ideas what maybe causing it.

It works with --local-only and that has been how I have been deploying, but any ideas how to fix this?