I am trying to use a workflow for autodeployments on github actions
, with an image posted on github registry
. I created a github personal access token
with read:
, write:
and delete:
for it. I can successfully log into ghcr.io with docker login using the personal access token
, and publish the package, and it is visible into the repository, at the packages section. The image is private, so I know I have to be authenticated in order to have access to it, my problem is, when I try to configure a fly.toml with the command fly launch --image ghcr.io/link/to/image:latest
, i get this error, even though I am logged into fly and as said, logged into ghcr.io with docker login:
Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: Authentication required to access image "ghcr.io/inginerie-software-2023-2024/proiect-inginerie-software-ando-foro/bikes4all-spring-boot:latest"
why is that?