Deploy error-- chart.js

There is a fly launch // deploy error in my Elixir application. Thanks in advance for your support.

[builder 13/17] RUN mix assets.deploy:
#22 0.894 
#22 0.894 16:22:07.118 [debug] Downloading esbuild from
#22 1.313 ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "chart.js/auto"
#22 1.313 
#22 1.313     js/dotplot.js:1:18:
#22 1.313       1 │ import Chart from 'chart.js/auto'
#22 1.313         ╵                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#22 1.313 
#22 1.313   You can mark the path "chart.js/auto" as external to exclude it from the bundle, which will remove this error.
#22 1.313 
#22 1.316 ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "chart.js/auto"
#22 1.316 
#22 1.316     js/line-chart.js:1:18:
#22 1.316       1 │ import Chart from 'chart.js/auto'
#22 1.316         ╵                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#22 1.316 
#22 1.316   You can mark the path "chart.js/auto" as external to exclude it from the bundle, which will remove this error.
#22 1.316 
#22 1.324 2 errors
#22 1.334 ** (Mix) `mix esbuild default --minify` exited with 1
Error error building: executor failed running [/bin/sh -c mix assets.deploy]: exit code: 1

I was able to solve this issue by changing from the npm install approach to including a local chart.js file in my assets folder and using the code from JSDELIVR .

I’m having the same error and am trying to figure out why, no luck yet.