Debug strange routing of traffic over IPv6

This problem seems to be IPv6 specific.

I have machines in 5 regions (DEN, AMS, FRA, GRU, SYD) but from my EU home traffic is routing to the US and I can’t figure out why. Ping latency is also pretty high. I don’t know if there is anything I can do to fix this but I would love my V6 traffic to route similar to V4 traffic to keep everything fast.

IPv4 traffic is “correctly” routing via FRA (even though AMS would make more sense, but that could be a local transit preference of my ISP) but V6 traffic flowing through DEN seems wildly incorrect.

Anything I can do to “fix” this from my end? I’m wondering if more traffic is taking detours slowing global traffic.

Hi @stayallive

Usually this kind of stuff would be your ISP side of things.

One helpful piece of information would be a trace route. If you’re able to run a trace route using ipv6 then that’ll make it clear how your packets are travelling to fly servers.

Thanks I’ll follow up with my ISP and report back with some traceroutes if needed!

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