db seems to be pause. How do I resume?

Hi @danielfriis! From your screenshot it looks like you created a single-node development database. Do you remember if you enabled scale-to-zero when you did so? If so, your DB will shut down if it’s had no open connections for an hour.

Just in case you did enable scale-to-zero, here’s some extra troubleshooting info in advance:

Your database must be configured to autostart when your app connects to it. Some older flyctl version didn’t do this properly, so if you want to keep scale-to-zero enabled, then you can run the following to ensure that autostart is configured:

fly machines -a <name of your database app> update <machine id> --autostart=true

(If you don’t know the machine ID, an easy thing to do is replace <machine id> with --select in that command and then pick it from the menu you get.)

If you would prefer to disable scale-to-zero, you can do that following these instructions.