Apps auto-stopped but not postgres apps


I’m fighting with auto-stop with my db apps (for example 6e82219b50dd87). I’ve elixir apps with auto-scaling (working fine) and linked postgres apps (don’t work fine = don’t auto-stop).

I’ve been trying to setup the postgres app fly.toml by doing fly config save -a xxx-db, modifying the file and then re-deploying it. I’ve checked the modified fly.toml (to be sure that my updates were taken into account) :

app = "xxxxxxxxx-db"
primary_region = "cdg"
kill_signal = "SIGTERM"
kill_timeout = "5s"


  source = "pg_data"
  destination = "/data"

  protocol = "tcp"
  internal_port = 5432
  auto_stop_machines = true
  auto_start_machines = true
  min_machines_running = 0

Maybe someone can tell me where i’m wrong?

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I have the same issue on my side, trying to scale down a postgresql cluster. I followed the same trick to manually change some apps parameters, but the DB does not want to scale down to 0.

I was wondering if it could come from the monitoring of the pg instance by prometheus? I see an active connection that stays there, while the app itself (a Django one for me) is stopped. So I was expecting 0 active connection, while from the graph we can clearly see an active connection that stays there for ever.


Hi, got the same…
It would be interesting to know what is this remaining connection about

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