I am getting the following error even though i have supplied sslcert, sslidentity, sslmode, sslpassword and sslaccept (as per MySQL database connector (Reference) | Prisma Docs)
2022-06-10T12:46:21.787 app[8942000f] lhr [info] Datasource “db”: MySQL database “osc-academic-hub” at “qd6hc1lvteex.eu-west-3.psdb.cloud:3306”
2022-06-10T12:46:22.144 app[8942000f] lhr [info] Error: P1001: Can’t reach database server at qd6hc1lvteex.eu-west-3.psdb.cloud
2022-06-10T12:46:22.144 app[8942000f] lhr [info] Please make sure your database server is running at qd6hc1lvteex.eu-west-3.psdb.cloud
connecting locally works fine