Cloudflare 525 error randomly occurs

For the record (know this is an old comment), this would be a dealbreaker for us since we need broader SSL termination support than Fly offers (ref).

There are also a ton of other CF features (eg WAF stuff) that we can’t give up, are happy with, and which in any case I wouldn’t expect Fly to start offering.

There’s another thread which feels modestly related, with a commenter and I looking for static count-per-region scaling.

Putting these together, Fly could support a “fewer bells-and-whistles” style of deploy, which feels like it would be a subset of the features already built in to fly. e.g.:

  • Want magic anycast routing? A & AAAA your domain to your fly anycast ip, we’ll handle SSL termination and do the rest.
  • Using Cloudflare or don’t want us doing geographic load balancing? CNAME your domain to yourapp.<region> and it’ll always route to your instances in that region.

(I would certainly respect that offering & maintaining more deployment styles would increase your support costs, but I have to think this kind of ‘operational parity’ would make it easier to conquest existing e.g. Heroku customers. If that’s a goal…)

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