CLI/ Billing / General inquiry | urgent response will be well appreciated

As a freelance developer specializing in FastAPI, I’ve been utilizing Vercel to deploy my applications, and I must say, I’ve been thoroughly impressed with the platform. Vercel’s features, including the free tier, CLI, and no requirement for credit card information, have made it an invaluable tool for me and my clients. These features have allowed us to test ideas thoroughly and upgrade packages seamlessly, with full transparency regarding costs.

However, despite these strengths, I encountered one significant limitation with Vercel’s deployment method: the deployment of my FastAPI applications as serverless edge functions. This deployment approach prevented me from triggering FastAPI startup and shutdown lifecycle events, as well as utilizing middleware functionality. These features are essential for effectively managing larger applications.

Upon receiving a recommendation on Reddit, I decided to explore flyio as an alternative deployment platform. However, I have some questions and concerns:

  1. GitHub Dependency: As a solo developer who does not typically utilize GitHub, I’m uncertain about flyio requirement for GitHub integration. Is it possible to deploy applications on flyio without relying on GitHub repositories? I’m apprehensive about potential security risks, such as accidentally exposing sensitive keys.

  2. Billing Security: Given the potential for unintentional errors in development, I’m concerned about unexpected billing scenarios on flyio. Can you assure that applications on the free tier will cease functioning upon reaching their usage limits, rather than incurring unforeseen charges? It’s crucial for me to have the security of knowing that my app will not incur charges beyond what is expected.

  3. Middleware and Lifecycle Events: Will flyio deployment method allow for the triggering of FastAPI middleware and lifecycle events, similar to traditional server-based deployments? These features are critical for the proper functioning of my applications and ensuring smooth user experiences.

I appreciate your attention to these inquiries and any assistance you can provide in addressing them. flyio appears to be a promising platform, and I’m eager to explore its capabilities further for my FastAPI projects.

Not associated with fly, but:

  1. There’s no requirement use GitHub at all. Everything is typically done through flyctl CLI command, just run fly deploy on your local machine.
  2. There’s no real auto-scaling with Fly like other serverless/PaaS providers. You set the machine sizes, and the max machines that it should ever create, so you should be able to very easily keep your app within your desired budget. It’s more like a traditional server-based provider in that way, especially if you are wanting to stick to the free tier, so probably limiting your app to max of 1 small machine.
  3. You can use the release_command option to run whatever you’d like on deployments, or put whatever commands you’d like in your Docker entrypoint to run things at startup.

Thank you for your reply but release_command will not work as I need to do things within the app startup create variables on state and use those states within the application

Then you can run any scripts you’d like as part of your Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT as the server starts up

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