I just upgraded the version of the CLI on my machine from 0.0.186 to 0.0.210. After the upgrade, my deployment flow is now broken (it was working fine with 0.0.186).
From the error message, it looks like the dockerfile option is not respected anymore. The command I am using to deploy my service is the following flyctl deploy --config ./sigle/fly.toml --dockerfile ./sigle/Dockerfile --remote-only.
==> Validating app configuration
--> Validating app configuration done
TCP 80/443 ⇢ 3000
Waiting for remote builder fly-builder-shy-water-268...
==> Creating build context
--> Creating build context done
==> Building image with Docker
Error error building: error building with docker: Error response from daemon: Cannot locate specified Dockerfile: Dockerfile
Oh I see what’s happening. If you change those to ../.yarnrc.yml it could work. I think that might be a little cleaner since it’s explicitly referencing things in a parent directory. But also, don’t spend time on it unless you want to and we’ll get the --dockerfile issue cleared up.