Can't deploy suddenly

Remove these 3 lines from your fly.toml if you do not intend to use multi-process (you probably want the CMD entrypoint in your dockerfile to run instead?):

- [processes]
-   web = ""
-   worker = ""
  http_checks = []
  internal_port = 8080
-  processes = ["app"]

Also, append --local-only to flyctl deploy in case the runc (docker) image could not be built remotely by Fly’s builders (unlikely to be the case).

EXPOSE directive in your dockerfile won’t be honoured by Fly. The equivalent fly.toml entries are port (public; which Fly’s load-balancer listens on for tcp/udp/http, on behalf of your Fly app) and internal_port (the one your process listens on, to which Fly’s load balancer forwards udp-packets/tcp-connections/http-requests to). More: App Configuration (fly.toml) · Fly Docs