Hi, I’m new to fly.io (coming from heroku, of course) and I am trying to deploy a python discord bot that uses ffmpeg and opus. I have created a Dockerfile for that, see:
FROM python:3.10
COPY requirements.txt /bot/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
FROM ubuntu:20.04 AS runner-image
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y python3.9 python3-venv && \
apt-get install -y ffmpeg && apt-get install libopus0
COPY . /bot
CMD python main.py
It mostly works, except for the end where it does this:
Then in the logs, this is done a couple of times as well:
Until it “failed due to unhealthy allocations”.
I have no clue where to go next. Am I going in the right direction? Or should I do it totally different? Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.