Can't connected to restored postgres app.

Hi, I’ve restored a postgres backup and unable to locally connect to db via proxy.

flyctl proxy 15432:5432 -a db-restore-2
Update available 0.0.414 -> v0.0.429.
Run "flyctl version update" to upgrade.
Error db-restore-2.internal: host was not found in DNS
flyctl proxy 15432:5432 -a db-restore-2 -s                                          
Update available 0.0.414 -> v0.0.429.
Run "flyctl version update" to upgrade.
Error look up db-restore-2: failed fetching instances for "db-restore-2": can't find deployed regions for db-restore-2

I’m following this guide

p.s the app is able to connect to DB (I’ve setup the DATABASE_URL secret)

solved by itself after a day :confused: