Cannot update postgres configuration

I run flyctl pg config update, it returns Update complete!, but configuration is unchanged.

roman@macbook ~/w/p/g/backend (master)> flyctl pg config view --app postgres-prod
NAME                            VALUE                   UNIT    DESCRIPTION                                                                                  PENDING RESTART 
log-min-duration-statement      -1                      ms      Sets the minimum execution time above which all statements will be logged. (-1, 2147483647)  false          
log-statement                   all                             Sets the type of statements logged. [none, ddl, mod, all]                                    false          
max-connections                 300                             Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections. (1, 262143)                               false          
shared-buffers                  8192                    8kB     Sets the number of shared memory buffers used by the server. (16, 1073741823)                false          
shared-preload-libraries        pg_stat_statements              Lists shared libraries to preload into server.                                               false          
wal-level                       replica                         Sets the level of information written to the WAL. [minimal, replica, logical]                false          

roman@macbook ~/w/p/g/backend (master)> flyctl pg config update --app postgres-prod --log-statement ddl
log-statement   all     ddl             false           

? Are you sure you want to apply these changes? Yes
Performing update...
Update complete!
roman@macbook ~/w/p/g/backend (master)> flyctl pg config view --app postgres-prod
NAME                            VALUE                   UNIT    DESCRIPTION                                                                                     PENDING RESTART 
log-min-duration-statement      -1                      ms      Sets the minimum execution time above which all statements will be logged. (-1, 2147483647)     false          
log-statement                   all                             Sets the type of statements logged. [none, ddl, mod, all]                                       false          
max-connections                 300                             Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections. (1, 262143)                                  false          
shared-buffers                  8192                    8kB     Sets the number of shared memory buffers used by the server. (16, 1073741823)                   false          
shared-preload-libraries        pg_stat_statements              Lists shared libraries to preload into server.                                                  false          
wal-level                       replica                         Sets the level of information written to the WAL. [minimal, replica, logical]                   false          

Just in case, this is what my postgres runs on:

roman@macbook ~/w/p/g/backend (master)> flyctl machine list --app postgres-prod
1 machines have been retrieved from app postgres-prod.
View them in the UI here (​

ID              NAME                    STATE   REGION  IMAGE                           IP ADDRESS                         VOLUME                  CREATED                 LAST UPDATED         
5683072c61118e  floral-morning-8547     started fra     flyio/postgres:14.4 (v0.0.33)   fdaa:0:cdd4:a7b:23c6:70f5:15e6:2   vol_wod56vjqpko4ny30    2022-11-29T11:47:19Z    2022-12-30T15:34:15Z

roman@macbook ~/w/p/g/backend (master)> flyctl machine status 5683072c61118e
Machine ID: 5683072c61118e
State: started

  ID            = 5683072c61118e                    
  Instance ID   = 01GNHKCY9JACC2JK76GP4V56VN        
  State         = started                           
  Image         = flyio/postgres:14.4 (v0.0.33)     
  Name          = floral-morning-8547               
  Private IP    = fdaa:0:cdd4:a7b:23c6:70f5:15e6:2  
  Region        = fra                               
  Process Group =                                   
  Memory        = 512                               
  CPUs          = 1                                 
  Created       = 2022-11-29T11:47:19Z              
  Updated       = 2022-12-30T15:34:15Z              
  Command       =                                   
  Volume        = vol_wod56vjqpko4ny30              

Event Logs
STATE           EVENT   SOURCE  TIMESTAMP                       INFO 
started         start   flyd    2022-12-30T20:34:15.188+05:00
started         start   flyd    2022-12-30T20:34:14.998+05:00
starting        restart flyd    2022-12-30T20:34:14.514+05:00
stopped         exit    flyd    2022-12-30T20:34:14.258+05:00
stopping        restart user    2022-12-30T20:34:12.222+05:00

Could be linked to another postgres issue I’m experiencing

Am I the only one having this issue?