Cannot remote build and push image to registry

I am trying to remotely build an image and push it to registry like so:

flyctl deploy --build-only --remote-only --no-cache --push --image --image-label latest -a APPNAME --verbose

What i get back is

Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: image must be amd64 architecture for linux os, found arm64 linux

Now, I did build and push to registry directly from my machine (Mac) using standard docker build and push commands. Am I stuck now?

Added registry

You are not stuck, but it looks like your Dockerfile specified arm64? Can you post your Dockerfile (or at least your FROM lines)?

It seems you’re getting the Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: image must be amd64 architecture for linux os, found arm64 linux error as you’re on an M* line of mac and the base image you’re pulling from (eg: the line FROM) does not have an arm image.

You’re going to run in to issues using the fly build CLI, so I suggest doing the below

docker build --platform=linux/amd64
docker push
flyctl deploy --image -c <config>.toml

This has worked for me


Sorry for the duplicates (had a technical issue). My comment on the original post - Remote docker build fails - #4 by callmephilip

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