Cannot deploy using build-time database connection for last 24hr

I’ve been building my nextjs app for last 1 year or so using build time connection to database. Steps are described here: Run a Next.js App · Fly Docs

For last 24h (or more) I am getting the following issue:

3.016 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND databasemachinename.flycast
3.016 Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND databasemachinename.flycast

Cannot see any ongoing issues with fly services. Can anyone help ? Thanks

Hi… Try --depot=false for the time being:

I’m surprised that the older builders did have access to the Flycast network, actually, :cactus:. Last I looked, earlier forum posts indicated the opposite:

Added builders

Indeed, using DATABASE_URL as described in that post will no longer work if your database is only accessible on your Fly private network. Using fly deploy --depot=false will work for now, but it’s also worth understanding why your app needs database access at build time. There’s also the option to defer builds if your build doesn’t take very long.

In the future we might restore Flycast access for Depot builders, but only after managed Postgres is released.

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We are using SSR (prerendering) for our nextjs app. Unfortunately it is not fast process so defer wont do the trick :confused: