I followed the helpful guide at Hugo's There - Flying with Hugo and Caddy · Fly to setup Caddy V2 to serve a static site with Fly, but that guide doesn’t cover http->https redirects (which aren’t automatically turned on when you switch to your own domain name instead of fly.dev). The solution is simple, but I had a bear of a time figuring it out so I thought I’d log it here for anyone else trying to do the same thing. Here’s my updated Caddyfile:
auto_https off # Fly manages certs and terminates SSL for us
http://<put yoursite.com here> {
# Redirect insecure requests (as identified by the trusted X-Forwarded-Proto
# header from Fly) to https
@insecure {
header X-Forwarded-Proto http
redir @insecure https://{host}{uri} permanent
root * /usr/share/caddy