I’m having an issue when using the aws-sigv4-proxy with tigris where it errors with the following message when using If-None-Match http header: error while reading response from upstream - unexpected EOF
I haven’t been able to recreate the issue with the AWS CLI nor with curl so I’m guessing it’s some funky TLS interaction between Tigris and aws-sigv4-proxy which is written in golang.
The bucket in tigris has an AWS S3 shadow bucket. Hitting the shadow bucket in S3 with aws-sigv4-proxy works fine.
This issue pretty much breaks any Tigris backed files that we proxy to from Caddy for our frontend.
Are you intending to serve files directly with Tigris using aws-sigv4-proxy? If you are, check out using a custom domain with public buckets, or a Tigris bucket static like this:
Meanwhile, I tried to test aws-sigv4-proxy and was able to successfully PUT/GET, with and without shadow bucket, with and without If-Match/If-None-Match.
Feel free to write us an e-mail with more details, like: bucket, key, object size, the headers you are stripping as a workaround, so we can further investigate and see if something needs fixing on Tigris side.