This is probably not a Fly issue; but on the odd chance that this is related to static files/nginx or some like setting like that, I’m posting here. Also want to note that when I build and run the same exact Dockerfile locally, I don’t get this issue.
I suddenly started having this problem in my production box where most of the css assets are compiled, except for the 3 assets I tell dartsass to build, application.css
and two others here:
# config/initializers/dartsass.rb
Rails.application.config.dartsass.builds = {
"application.scss" => "application.css",
"mailer.scss" => "mailer.css",
"active_admin.scss" => "active_admin.css"
Immediately after deploying, public/assets
only has the scss files and the .manifest.json also does not reference the .css files (because they don’t exist in public/assets
root@3d8d9296ce7948:/rails# cat public/assets/.manifest.json
root@3d8d9296ce7948:/rails# ls public/assets/ | grep application
After I run assets:precompile again on the box, the assets are generated:
root@3d8d9296ce7948:/rails# bin/rails assets:precompile
I, [2024-02-24T22:12:30.174296 #329] INFO -- : Writing application-23b791d200e0a4700af4b77c5bd2aea477b5575c.css
I, [2024-02-24T22:12:30.205423 #329] INFO -- : Writing active_admin-9d8f9c30e6ef1f119225b74cf213f50721c80914.css
I, [2024-02-24T22:12:30.205963 #329] INFO -- : Writing mailer-0e34617c354ffe5379b296cf599c202195eab754.css
root@3d8d9296ce7948:/rails# ls public/assets/ | grep application
root@3d8d9296ce7948:/rails# cat public/assets/.manifest.json
The thing is, I am already doing assets:precompile in my Dockerfile and copying the output to the final image:
FROM ... as build
# Precompiling assets for production without requiring secret RAILS_MASTER_KEY
RUN SECRET_KEY_BASE=DUMMY ./bin/rails assets:precompile
COPY --from=build /rails /rails
Not sure why this started happening, as I haven’t updated much of anything. Appreciate any ideas.
gem versions:
rails (
propshaft (0.8.0)
dartsass-rails (0.5.0)