App killed

Our app just got killed (SIGINT) for no reason?

It restarted after 6 minutes.

Any issue on fly’s side?

Mar 5 08:21:52  bfd8f99a  vector  Shutting down virtual machine
Mar 5 08:21:52  bfd8f99a  vector  Sending signal SIGINT to main child process w/ PID 515
Mar 5 08:21:53  bfd8f99a  vector  Main child exited with signal (with signal 'SIGINT', core dumped? false)
Mar 5 08:21:53  bfd8f99a  vector  Starting clean up.
Mar 5 08:22:46  f568360a  vector  Shutting down virtual machine
Mar 5 08:22:57  f568360a  vector  Sending signal SIGINT to main child process w/ PID 513

Hi, i was just investigating same thing. Was running on fra (as a backup for ams). Now added cdg as a region and seems that I got my app running there.

Same here. My app has two instances running in CDG (B).

Here is my regions list

Region Pool: 
Backup Region: 

Also my other app running the fly-log-sipper was killed but that one wasn’t restarted (so no logs for now).

It remains in state pending Status = pending and doesn’t get provisioned. I tried to set its count and update its region list but it is not retarting.

I now have scaled app to two instances, regions ams, fra and lhr as primary regions, cdg as a backup.

Now two instances running, at fra and lhr.

It stayed a while on Pending state.

Any update on why some apps were killed out of the blue in Europe ?