anyone with paid support willing to ask a question for me?


the first time I asked my question about (temp) volumes it was back in Nov 2022. More than two years ago. Probably it is not that ‘big’ questions but I am sure I am not the only one needing the answer.

fly changed so I asked similar question recently. No solution.

It seems to me that there is no way to ask that question to fly support directly so I wonder if someone is willing ask for me.

Is there a way to get a temp volume for fly machine? Or is it possible to mount volume to a running machine?

It looks like I can mount Tigris but it does not feel right to me for temp files, transactional files.

I am not a tech guru, maybe there is an obvious answer to that so please excuse me asking.

I am happy with answer - “No, it is not possible (right now)”.

Thank you

this isn’t possible, no. instead you can save files to the root filesystem without a volume, which is 8GB minus the size of your docker image, and gets automatically wiped when the machine reboots.
maybe that could work for you?

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hi lillian

what is not possible? Both?

  1. to have temp volume
  2. mount volume to a running machine. Why is not this one possible? mount on linux can be used on running machine.

How do I know much left out of the 8GB you are talking about? I think that 6GB temp space is good enough for most of the use cases.

Thank you

I suppose both of those aren’t possible because the feature doesn’t exist, and to my knowledge there are no plans to add it.

You can check the space remaining with df -h / command:

/ # df -h /
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
none                      7.8G     40.8M      7.3G   1% /

great. thank you so much for all the answers…

I have one more question…


Why such machine got 2GB when stopped? I was expecting 1GB default volume

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