I have been experimenting with fly.io and decided to try deploying a simple Elixir app (non Phoenix) that simply echos back udp messages to the sender. I got it deployed successfully using the following set up. Logging shows that my server is receiving the udp traffic, but the clients have not been able to receive replies. I also tested the same thing, but with tcp traffic (over a non standard port other than 80 or 443) and it actually worked. I also set up port forwarding on my home router, which also allowed the udp traffic to come back to the sender, so port forwarding made the udp version work.
So, I was pretty sure the problem was due to NAT on my home router, but then the other day I deployed to a Digital Ocean droplet and it worked fine (without port forwarding on my home router). So now I am just confused. Is there some configuration that I am missing that would allow the udp traffic to make it back to the sender? Perhap the server I deployed is receiving udp traffic at one address, but sending it back out with another somehow? Note: My code replies to senders using the same ip and port, so it should not be a problem with most NAT configurations.
FROM bitwalker/alpine-elixir:latest
EXPOSE 5051/udp
EXPOSE 5051/tcp
# tar -zcvf app.tar.gz .
COPY app.tar.gz .
RUN tar -xzvf app.tar.gz
RUN export MIX_ENV=prod && \
rm -rf _build && \
mix deps.get && \
mix release
CMD _build/prod/rel/udp_playground/bin/udp_playground start
app = "small-shadow-3276"
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = 5
port = 5051
allowed_public_ports = ["5051"]
auto_rollback = true
internal_port = 5051
protocol = "udp"
port = 5051