Upstash Redis - Connection lost (ECONNRESET) (Redis::ConnectionError

Thanks for this!

I have a ton of problems with upstash redis and this feels like a good alternative.

I had to change one thing in

- web: bin/rails fly:server
+ web: bin/rails server -p 8080

Otherwise you get in a loop: Procfile calls fly:server which calls Procfile which calls fly:server…

No clue why the ENV[“PORT”] is not being picked up though :thinking:

The other problem popped up that sidekiq (which I run in a separate process) could now not connect to redis://localhost:6379/1.

So I added that to Procfile as well and it seems to be working well.

I also added a new redis disk with
fly vol create redis

and added
sed -i 's/^dir \/var\/lib\/redis/dir \/redis/' /etc/redis/redis.conf &&\
to use it.

Here’s the full diff: Run Redis internally · miharekar/decent-visualizer@4e4f7c5 · GitHub

I think I now have a working app? :sweat_smile: