Trying to deploy my project and got the error on requirements.txt

for my future reference all of these system/ pathways are useless. its better to place it in versions and have pypi install it.

the question I know have is how do I determine what to put for ==? Someone was able to figure that out. how do I figure out the values for these? Is there a default requirements file? or version commands?


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you can do that from the paths

if you are asking how requirements.txt is made in general
its made using the command in a virtual environment where all the requirements are already installed during the development, the versions are preserved to avoid any conflicts from future version, if they are omited they are defaulted to latest versions
pip freeze > requirements.txt

Per JaK who also answered this question on discord for finding the verison numbers:

I just searched pypi for the package names and viewed the version history. Your package paths have the right version in them. I just made sure those versions existed on pypi and replaced the path

I want to thank JaK and also thank you daorkcheftar007. I just deployed my first website thanks to you two.

One could argue now that I have officially become a programmer!

per JaK
I just searched pypi for the package names and viewed the version history. Your package paths have the right version in them. I just made sure those versions existed on pypi and replaced the path

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so I can do that from the paths, okay I need to read the documentaiton about paths commands. your saying there is a command or something that I can type in that gives me the current version which I can set equal to the requirement basically.

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Thats not actually what I meant

But I know you can figure it out, all the best

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