Tease us with more "machine" info?

OK. Feels like I’m getting closer but still not quite there. I added an IP address but now get a Connection reset by peer error with curl and nothing shows up in the machine’s console output. Here’s my updated set of steps:

  1. git clone https://github.com/fly-apps/hellonode-builtin
  2. fly launch --remote-only – using the defaults. just to get the code built and image published
  3. fly create machinetest – need an app for the machine to use
  4. fly ips allocate-v4 -a machinetest – setup an ip4 address for the machine’s app
  5. fly m run -p 3000:80/tcp:http -a machinetest registry.fly.io/<app image name from step 2>

At that point I have a machine listening on port 3000 (great) and an IP4 address for the machinetest app. curling that address however either gets me Connection refused or Connection reset errors depending if I use port 3000 or port 80 (respectively).

For the -p option, the CLI doc says it’s format is edgePort[:machinePort]/[protocol[:handler]]. Since the code is listening on 3000 should that be the machinePort? I tried using 3000:3000/tcp:http but that didn’t change anything.

Other suggestions? I did poke around in the branches as suggested but didn’t find anything particularly illuminating.

(interestingly and perhaps unrelated, fly m list shows an empty list even though I’m running the machine)

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