This will run a Rails, Postgres, Redis application inside a docker container on your machine.
Once that is working, type fly launch. Say no to replacing your Dockerfile. Say no to replacing .dockerignore. Say yes to creating Postgres. Say yes to creating Redis.
Now try fly deploy.
Once that’s working you can repeat the process with your application. Feel free go into the dashboard and delete the demo application if you would like to remain under the free tier allowances.
The process for getting an existing application up and running locally under docker is as follows:
Feel free to replace rails-welcome with the name of your application.
Again, once it it working locally, try fly launch and fly deploy. This week I’ll be working on updating flyctl so that it doesn’t prompt to replace your Dockerfile and .dockeringore files, and will even install the dockerfile-rails gem for you.
Managed to install Docker. Followed the steps you described (after running the script I left the docker image running while launching fly from a different terminal on the same directory). I ended up getting this error which I’ll be looking up next how to solve:
ERRO[0014] Tar: Can't stat file /home/naokimi/code/Naokimi/empty/welcome to tar: open /home/naokimi/code/Naokimi/empty/welcome/tmp/db: permission denied