For those who have no clue what they’re doing and forgot all flyctl syntax. Find the machine_id under dashboard -> YOUR_APP_DB -> Machines
copy paste the id field for the machine id.
flyctl machine restart machine_id
For those who have no clue what they’re doing and forgot all flyctl syntax. Find the machine_id under dashboard -> YOUR_APP_DB -> Machines
copy paste the id field for the machine id.
flyctl machine restart machine_id
I had the same problem. Doing flyctl machine restart ...
is what fixed it for me.
I believe the reason this happened in my case is that when I fly pg create
I selected the development option. And I said yes to having it spin down after an hour. This is what happens when it suspends your dev db due to lack of use.
Now that I understand why it happened, I think it’s fine. The error message could be more helpful. And I think fly pg restart
wouldn’t resolve this issue. It sounds like that command tries to restart the postgres instance, but there are no machines running. So you get the same unhelpful error.
Anyway, I hope this explanation is helpful.
This worked perfectly thanks so much!