Multiple Processes in TOML FIle

Hey @hangman2! First of all, that should actually read Check 'alive' for group 'telegram' has no internal port set and there is no http_service to refer to. That is, the check name and group name are transposed. That’s a bug in flyctl!

Top-level checks (i.e., those defined in the [checks] section) are not associated with a particular service. Therefore, you generally need to provide an explicit port to connect to like this:

  port = 3000

As a convenience, if no port is defined, it will use your http_service’s internal port.

Top-level checks also by default apply to all processes in your app. EDIT: My bad! Top-level checks apply only to your default process group. That’s app if present (or if no processes are defined) and the first lexicographically otherwise. In your case, that’s telegram. The suggested fix below should still work.

The error here is that the alive check you have defined applies to all processes and has no port set, so it will default to using the http_service; however, the http_service does not apply to the telegram and worker processes.

EDIT: Perhaps you want to limit the alive check to the web process group, like this?

  processes = ["web"]