Migrate Docker-Compose to Fly.io

Thanks @ignoramous for your kind response. You’re amazing! :star_struck:

Ref the recently announced managed Redis by Upstash (though, it has its trade-offs) or this DIY geo-replicated Redis.

Yep, was going to leverage this. Good you mentioned it!

One might choose to drop ngnix reverse-proxy altogether as Fly’s proxy primitives (though limited) are good enough in most cases. Personally, I go long ways just to fit my app within Fly’s primitives to get as close to zero-devops as possible.

This is interesting! Any documentation you can point me to when setting this up?

I don’t use DBs on Fly, but I hear more db services are coming [soon-ish]…

You reckon Postgres Clusters may suffice in this instance? Have you seen any insufficiency around it?

If all of these need to run on the same IP (but on different ports), then one may choose to run them as a Fly multi-process app. As a multi-process Fly app, if one may want to use the same ports…

I’m glad I raised the question in the first place! I’ll definitely look in this direction. Considering my limited DevOps experience hence why I raised the question. In terms of setup, and looking at your notes above, I intend to:

  • Run Node/Express/Apollo instances on fly multi-processmay come back with additional question on getting the difference process to communicate
  • Run Managed-redis instance via fly redis create ...
  • Run Postgres Clusters for DBs and tune?
  • Any pointers/best-practices as per GraphQL/Apollo and Redis?

Any additional pointers @greg / @charsleysa / @tj1 could provide will be super helpful.

I appreciate you all!