Each Machine has a separate config with a different external port, different en var, and often different regions. Also non standard ports are not working when we have only 1 machine. The underlying service is listening on the internal port 8080.
The fly endpoints
=> machine 1 (config1 external port1)
=> machine 2 (config2 external port2)
=> machine 3 (config3 external port3)
terminating ssl and handing off the request over tcp(http) to the correct machine
to our internal app listening on port 8080 . This all worked up until last night. No need for a router. Its not really multi tenancy each machine are separate instances of our app each connecting in many case to different DBs outside of fly.
This all worked up until last night. Maybe something changed? Maybe this was a unattended use of machines and no longer allowed?
From Machines · Fly Docs
“For an application with multiple machines with the same configuration, requests will be distributed across them. Warm-start behavior in this situation is not well-defined now, so should not be relied upon for apps with multiple machines.”
Each machine has a different config in our case we are not looking to have request distributed across machines although its an option we where considering. I have been testing this setup over the past week and it worked marvelously.