Global caching object storage on in private beta

Until we have support for multiple buckets in a single project, what you can do is run the fly storage create command outside the project directory and manually inject the secrets. Take a look at Creating a Bucket | Tigris Object Storage Documentation

I’m no longer getting the 500 error, but I get this error now: deleteAddOn Request cannot be verified.
@ovaistariq btw, I’m able to create a bucket with an underscore, which isn’t a valid s3 bucket name. Using an underscore in the UI properly rejects it.

After creating a bucket in the UI, the CLI doesn’t show the the bucket created via UI, eg fly storage list --org my-org

The fix to allow deleting hasn’t been completely rolled out yet which is why you are still seeing the error.
Underscores are indeed not allowed. We will rollout a fix for that together with the delete bucket fix.

@ovaistariq taking a look at what’s supported and what’s not, lifecycle and versioning aren’t supported. Are there plans to support them? Versioning would be a requirement for backups.

Also, is it possible to use the same credentials for multiple buckets? It looks like each bucket has separate credentials.

Yes these are planned features. If you are storing backups you can store it in timestamped directories, avoiding the need for versioning.

The fly storage create command by default creates a new access key for every bucket to enhance the security. But it is possible to give an access key access to multiple buckets. You can do that from the Tigris dashboard.

Let me know if you run into any issues.

Hey @ovaistariq,

Tigris looks awsesome, and partnering with Fly is double awesome.

I’ve been looking for an alternative to Cloudflare R2’s storage, as they are unable to provide a provide a guarantee that data would be stored in Australia, and it’s needed for cybersecurity compliance iin schools at

Cloudflare R2 only has a jurisdictional restriction for the EU, any chance you could offer something similar for Tigris - but region locking a bucket to the “syd” region, Australia?


Hey, @oscarhermoso, it is great to hear that Tigris resonates with you.

So, in this case, since Tigris supports the “syd” region, if your app is running in the “syd” region, then the data will always be stored in the “syd” region automatically. So, this will probably work for your use case. What do you think?

If you need an even stronger guarantee by being able to configure the region at the bucket level, while we don’t support that right now, we can definitely look into adding that feature.

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This has been fixed. Bucket names with underscores are no longer allowed when creating buckets through flyctl.

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Yes, that’ll work for now - it’s definitely an upgrade over R2.

Long term, we would definitely need explicit config, because schools in other countries would have similar data sovereignity requirements.

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I’m unable to delete a bucket that has an underscore (created prior to the fix).
When I go to, I get this error:

Unexpected token '<', "<?xml vers"... is not valid JSON

I see a Create a new bucket button but not my existing buckets (from the json error).
Also, buckets created on the UI still don’t show up in the CLI

We should have the explicit config per bucket by then.

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We are working on the bucket listing issue in the UI.

As for buckets created on the UI, the synchronization of the bucket list from UI to CLI is still in the works. The buckets are there, it is just that the CLI is not aware of the ones created in the UI, yet.


Awesome team. Can i try this and create storage now ?

Could you sign up at Tigris Early Access? We can then activate Tigris for you.

Hi folks, Adil here, one of the engineers at Tigris. Thanks a bunch for trying out the product, your feedback is invaluable.

Update: We have fixed that bucket-delete hiccup. Now, you shouldn’t be seeing the deleted buckets in your list anymore. This shall also fix the issue where some users were not able to see the bucket list on Tigris console. Give it a shot.

Keep the feedback flowing, and if you spot any more quirks, we’re all ears. Have a great weekend!


I’m still unable to delete a bucket that was created with an underscore, eg my_bucket.
Error: deleteAddOn The specified bucket is not valid.

The bucket name check probably shouldn’t apply to the destroy command.

Ignore me if the fix is pending deployment.

It’s the weekend so feel free to defer response til next week; have a great weekend!

I reached out to support, but all of those deleted bucked and dashboard errors persist for me.

Another issue:
When I create a public bucket outside of a fly app:
fly storage create --public
The access key/secrets that it outputs does not work. Creating a new API key in the console also doesn’t work.
aws s3api put-object --bucket my-public-bucket --key folder/test.txt --body ./test.txt

Error: An error occurred (InvalidAccessKeyId) when calling the PutObject operation: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.

Hello @khuezy - looking at your aws cli command. You need to specify the --endpoint= to point your aws CLI to Tigris.


aws --endpoint= s3api put-object --bucket my-public-bucket --key folder/test.txt --body ./test.txt

Can you try with this and let us know if the issue still persists.

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doh! You’re absolutely right, forgot about that sucker. Thx!