This is probably due to our recent release of shared IPs.
Awesome thanks! That would explain it. Looks like I just had some really unlucky timing running into this right in between the change being deployed and the docs being updated.
The readme in the example project has been updated in Update readme to allocate ipv4 · fly-apps/fly-app-with-multiple-internal-ports@89e1bef · GitHub
And the main reference docs have been updated in update services doc for shared ipv4 (#482) · superfly/docs@794579e · GitHub
The API should error if you’re trying to deploy an app with additional services.
I wasn’t getting an error before when I was deploying the example app. I just tested it again with a fresh destroy/deploy on the latest flyctl version but I’m still not getting any errors.
The quick fix is to run
fly ips allocate-v4
to get a dedicated IP.
Is there a way to define this inside of fly.toml instead of needing to run the command manually after the first deploy? I think Allocate public IPv4/v6 to new apps if a service is added · Issue #1196 · superfly/flyctl · GitHub might be what I’m describing.