When I run this command:
tinyzap/server [main] → fly console
Error: invalid CPU kind ''; this is a bug
I get an unhelpful error message.
Here’s the fly.toml
# fly.toml app configuration file generated for tinyzap on 2023-08-01T01:22:19-07:00
# See https://fly.io/docs/reference/configuration/ for information about how to use this file.
app = "tinyzap"
primary_region = "sjc"
console_command = "/rails/bin/rails console"
size = "shared-cpu-1x"
memory_mb = 1024
processes = ["console"]
WEB_ADDRESS_HOST = "tinyzap.co"
CANONICAL_HOST = "tinyzap.com"
source = "data"
destination = "/data"
internal_port = 3000
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = false
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 2
processes = ["app"]
processes = ["worker"]
auto_stop_machines = false
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 2
guest_path = "/rails/public"
url_prefix = "/"
app = "bin/rails server"
worker = "bin/good_job start"
Here’s the CLI version.
tinyzap/server [main] → fly version
fly v0.3.33 darwin/arm64 Commit: 75a3fe121bbbf7509e707738682a1fd03c033e01 BuildDate: 2024-11-05T02:02:53Z
If I comment out the size = "shared-cpu-1x"
hoping to hit a default, I still get the error.
A few points of general feedback outside of this bug:
- The error message is not helpful. Ideally errors tell me how to resolve the issue.
This is a bug
is a detractor; I wouldn’t call it unprofessional, but it’s not confidence inspiring.- I’ve noticed all sorts of weird error messages with toml files as projects age. Some are helpful, most are not. Consider making them helpful.
- Consider adding a
key to fly.toml files and offering migration tools in the CLI for when the keys in the file changes.