Error: invalid CPU kind ''; this is a bug

When I run this command:

tinyzap/server [main] → fly console
Error: invalid CPU kind ''; this is a bug

I get an unhelpful error message.

Here’s the fly.toml file:

# fly.toml app configuration file generated for tinyzap on 2023-08-01T01:22:19-07:00
# See for information about how to use this file.

app = "tinyzap"
primary_region = "sjc"
console_command = "/rails/bin/rails console"

size = "shared-cpu-1x"
memory_mb = 1024
processes = ["console"]



source = "data"
destination = "/data"

internal_port = 3000
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = false
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 2
processes = ["app"]

processes = ["worker"]
auto_stop_machines = false
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 2

guest_path = "/rails/public"
url_prefix = "/"

app = "bin/rails server"
worker = "bin/good_job start"

Here’s the CLI version.

tinyzap/server [main] → fly version
fly v0.3.33 darwin/arm64 Commit: 75a3fe121bbbf7509e707738682a1fd03c033e01 BuildDate: 2024-11-05T02:02:53Z

If I comment out the size = "shared-cpu-1x" hoping to hit a default, I still get the error.

A few points of general feedback outside of this bug:

  1. The error message is not helpful. Ideally errors tell me how to resolve the issue.
  2. This is a bug is a detractor; I wouldn’t call it unprofessional, but it’s not confidence inspiring.
  3. I’ve noticed all sorts of weird error messages with toml files as projects age. Some are helpful, most are not. Consider making them helpful.
  4. Consider adding a version key to fly.toml files and offering migration tools in the CLI for when the keys in the file changes.


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  cpu_kind = "shared"
  cpus = 1

Pull request: Improve error message to show valid values by rubys · Pull Request #4050 · superfly/flyctl · GitHub

That fixes it, thanks!

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