Elixir support improvements and Dictaphone Deep Dive Demo Docs

Thanks for the update… It was a little surprising how short the patch was—really only a couple of lines.

It seems like the m × n problem has now mostly been solved for these attachment-style auxiliaries…

Might there be scope for eventually having similar consolidations w.r.t. helpers that run “underneath” the app—so to speak? People could publish Git repositories (à la --from) that would handle just the LiteFS slice or just the SSH+rsync aspect. It would be handy if those could be paired with fly.toml extensions as well:

  be_litefs = true
  source = "data"
  destination = "/var/lib/litefs"


  replication = "rsync"
  source = "vaultwarden"
  destination = "/data"
  interval = "15m"

It seems like you were maybe contemplating something along these lines back when Kamal first came up:


It’s otherwise daunting to consider doing things for all m frameworks…