Deployment hangs at "reboot: Restarting System"

Thanks for the suggestions.

I’ve tried deploying again after fly apps restart but it’s still not working.
My Account Status is Good Standing, so that’s not the issue either.

I did a bit of trial and error, but still no luck. Here’s what I’ve tried:

fly apps restart
fly deploy → Unsuccessful, same problem
deleted all apps
fly launch → Successful deployment
made some changes in the code
fly deploy → Unsuccessful with error:

Updating existing machines in 'my-app' with rolling strategy
  [1/2] Updating d89169da440438 [app]
Error: failed to update VM d89169da440438: You have reached the maximum number of machines for this app.

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deleted all unused / destroyed apps
fly launch → Unsuccessful because db wasn’t ready in time for some reason
deleted everything again
fly launch → Unsuccessful. Problem: Cannot deploy because of insufficient memory - #48 by andie
deleted everything again
fly launch with other region → Successful
made some changes in the code
fly deploy → Unsuccessful

So in the end the same problem remains.