Hi @andig ,
Removing the :latest tag in the fly.toml works. But not sure why. Also the digest is not matching with DH.
image = “evcc/evcc”
“data”: {
“app”: {
“id”: “samplbes-db1”,
“image”: {
“id”: “img_g72wp0mmzr5vyxko”,
“digest”: “sha256:e663f35d42ae89840c29ac040f3c96d6973b4f858ff96b0fc53f4f429b6d93d3”,
“ref”: “registry-1.docker.io/evcc/evcc:latest”,
“compressedSize”: 20176252
Edit: The digest mismatch issue is due to docker/DH. This is not fixed even in 2023.
That sounds a lot like a bug since again it only seems to affect the remote builder? I can deploy with that tag when using --local-only