Hi @andig ,
Can you post the contents of your packaging/fly.toml & Dockerfile?
Also, I see that in your local, you have tagged a arm64 image and the fly VM is amd64. Are you building locally on a Mac M1/RaspberryPi?
I think there is a difference in the architecture for what you have built and what you are pushing.
fly.io doesn’t support arm64 as of now.
Hello! My question here is pretty simple: I was wondering if Fly machines had any support for creating arm64 systems? I can’t find it referenced anywhere on the website, and a search on this community just picks up people trying to upload arm64 docker images from M1 devices, which…is not what I had in mind exactly.
Hello, I’m getting an error when I try to deploy my app, I’m new with Fly and I was following the tutorial. I have a Macbook Pro M1 but another friend with the same computer is not working.
Error image must be amd64 architecture for linux os, found arm64 linux
I updated my Mac and my Docker Desktop with no luck.
Any Clue?
I think the Image may be cached in the remote builder. Also, there can be connectivity issues between the remote builder and docker.io . Try building with a new builder.
Hi all!
I originally tried deploying to Fly by having it build my Docker image:
dockerfile = "Dockerfile"
This was proving problematic for me, so I decided to try using images and switched to this:
image = "xxxxxx/yyyyyy"
The initial image I tried with was built for arm64. I swapped to having GitHub build the image in a GitHub Action and that produced a new amd64 image (confirmed on Docker Hub when examining the image and when booting the image locally). It looks like Fl…
I would also suggest you to update to the latest flyctl, if you are still running the old one.