Always exactly one machine

Hi! I see that the discussion here has taken another turn, but I logged in to the forum with exactly the same question.

I have a github pull request workflow that creates a database per branch (to be able to run e2e-tests). I use the following cli command
flyctl deploy --app <appname> --ha=false --remote-only --regions fra -c fly.pull-request.toml db

I can confirm that SOMEHOW this command ended up creating 4 machines for me. I have no idea how, and I unfortunately have no trace atm since I solved the situation by destroying the app and then running the workflow again (and this time it worked, creating just one). I dont know what edge-case I stumbled upon. But I swear that I have not used any other command that the one above in github workflow, and that I yet somehow ended up with 4 machines (which caused many hours of debuggin weird random e2e test errors…).

You experts/fly-people, do you have any hint/clue on what could allow this given what I have specified?